
hi ya'll,, skali lg i dgn bangga dirinye melaporkan kehidupan harian i kt Canterbury nih.. huhu..
k, hot topic for today is,, international student's night which berlaku last night..

mulenye my friends and i, (IVON, SEM N LIP V) smpai dulu,, nk kteorg tgk la bdk2 yg kmpol kt depan students' union,, wah, it seems interesting at that moment.. then ktaorg g la tggu bdk2 len, slps tibanya RAY, CARL, AROY n PIDOT, ktaorg pon msok,, mulenye cuak la kan cuz ade security guard,, takot ak ni x lps, yela kan kecik bak sang kancil,, spe2 leh larang ak drp masok party ni.. btw, this is my first time attending a party.. it was boring when i first came in, because other students r like grouping and talking among each other, which i assumed from the same country, so, ktaorg dudok2 la dulu kn, hlgkn rse penatz,,,

owh, at that moment, party dh stat,, rse mcm nk pecah gegendang tinge n gugur jantung ak,, kuat gler music die,, then, we stat our pencarian mangsa, as usual, lip V n i,, we were 2gether,, suddenly i saw japanese group talking to each other kt ceruk2 yg ak leh nmpk,, then i ajak la lipV tuk tgor dorg, but, he didn't want n i'm frustratd.. huhu.. last2, aroy yg dpt,, but, ape yg mengherankan,, they seemed familiar to me,, rsenye dlm mimpi i 4 years ago,, huhu,, i don't noe.. mayB it's them, maybe not,, huhu,,

after i dok perati org, i pon jd boring, drpd stu ceruk yg org xnmpk i, i g tmpt yg jd spotlight manusia mlm tuh.. huhu,, then i met this girl, REBECCA,she's my senior, taking teaching in third year already,, she's a fresher' crew.. we talked a lot last night n it was fun,, lps tu, die pon jmput la ktaorg ni men LIMBO,, best gler ak rse, cuz dorg sume besa, ak kecik, ak leh je msok yg dorg nye paras ngn mudah, haha, smpai la paras yg plg bwh, i x dpt dh (ala sje je,, kang x pasal2 pinggng ak t'pele'ot..) fuh, mmg best gler, trus ak d knali sbb plg kecik men mende tu,, hahahaa,, mamat sorg ni kte " I LIKE THIS GUY," "OWH, LIMBO GUY"... hahha, but i like to meet the other limbos,, hebat gler dorg tu meliuk lentokkn bdn,, dh la besar...

the hottest part,.. while playing LIMBO, i met some people which i think is hot n i really want to talk to them,, dorg ni mcm ade kwn n xde, but dorg rapt ngn freshers' crew,, tu yg ak tkot nk tgor, kg dorg tu senior, mati ak,, hahah..i hope i can meet them again next time.. huhu.....

** last night was my first party ever n i met somebody on the limbo floor,, not the dance floor.. hahha

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