:: Beautifool day::

fuh lme nyer ak xwrite something for this ugly looking blog of mine~~ hahaha..

k, what i want to share with you today~~~???
i don't know why, suddenly i felt so pissed and bengang~~~ i don't know why.. today i dh deactivate my facebook account meaning that, i won't contact anybody from now on~~ ak mcm dh rsa fed up r.. although yg wat ak terasa kecik ahti, bengang n panas juast a feww people.. tp ntah la.. ak sakit hati sgt... why do they always treat me like this?? i just want to be a normal human.. i want to change, and i need u guys to support me.. but~~ life really sucks (my life.. ) i thank Allah for giving life to me and i blame myself sbb xtaw nk hargai diri sendiri... i feel so malas nk lyn org, i dh muak n i dh mls~~ g jhnm sume~~ until now, i still lg rse mcm panas gler~~ ntah la.. perasaan yg d hasut syaitan la ni~~ ak cube nk tenangkn diri, but xde pape.. maybe ngn solat kot.. jap g ak nk smyg... people, salah ke ak nk change, now i rse mcm xnk jmpe dh sume org, but will i survivie?? or ak just wat ngong2 je. huhu,,, bengang ak arini~~ dorg x pk ke yg ak ni pun ade perasaan?? xkn ak just nk jge dorg nye perasaan...?? what about me?? yes i know u r smarter than me and i'm STUPID!!!! yeah i acted like i know everything. yes i don't know a single thing,,, i'm damn damn DAMN DAMN DAMN STUPID!!!! (just feel like i wanna go home) i'm worthless... now i feel tht my is short, maybe tomorow i will be gano from this world... i really wanna change and i really am, but the way u treat me makes me wan to go back to my old life~~ i'm pissed~~ one more thing ( within this two months in this such boring place, i found that i had a crush on this girl. she's in my group and i don't why, i kept thinking of her.. is this what u call love?? haha.. but i don't think i deserve her, she deserve more mature and good guy rather than me.. crazy, stupid and disastrous.. maybe i will be single or just imagine that i have a girlfriend.. that would help me feel better.. hahha.. i'm in love with somebody i don't know.. but still, i like her.. maybe just like.. hoho...
the main story here is I BENGANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! f***ing s***!!!!



ak bru je blik dr umah lecturer ak,, penatz seh~~ gler r jaoh umah die,, huhu,, time dudok2 mkn td smbl amik gmbr, ak tingt kt family ak, kt malaysia skg dh mlm rye pertama, ape dorg buat ek?? ramai ke x org dtg ziarah... ak rindu sume tu,,, huhu tp xpe, rye kt uk ni, ade kwn, sonok gk la,, xla sunyi,, tp still i missed my family n our way of celebrating eid mubarak... i missed it a lot... however, story ak skg nih, ak dh ade housemate bru,, tp setahu ak, bru sorg,,, name die JOSHUA, tp pggl JOSH je,, budak ni mude g, bru 18 thn,, (haha, ak lg tua, tp ak lg kecik dr die~~) and die amik HISTORY.. kire budka ni akan jd cekgu gk kot rsenyer~~~
so budak ni, ok la.. boleh tahan la hensem die, tp dh ade girlfriend.. huhu... die ni baek la, tp xtau g perangai sbnr die.. huhu... so tu je ak nk story ari ni.. haha.. bye.. peace..

p/s: sorg lg housemate ak xdpt.. spe la agaknye.. harap bukan nigger...~~~ eewww~~




hari ni hari pertama ak raye kt oversea.. gler sedih & sayu ak rse.. mlm td ak stay lme ckit,, ak xtdo lu cuz nk kol family ak.. ak tnggu smpai dorg nk pg smyg rye.. sedih gler ak.. huhu... mlm td jgk ak b'mlm umah kawan ak.. n ktaorg b'buka puasa 4 da last day of ramadhan kt umah ak.. kenyang.. mcm2 ktaorg masak.. tp sume western food... hahah... so, mlm rye ak cm besa je, xde wat pe,,,, dgr takbir n lgu rye je.. sayu je.. t'ingt family kt kpg,, sedih..
wktu tu ak amik mse utk kol auntie ak, kwn2 n family,,, nanges jugak la... hahah.. sape x nanges... then ak try crik radio klasik nasional online,, n ak BERJAYA!!! ahhaha... best gler... so, mlm rye ak cm besa2 je..

Di pagi hari raya...

ak bgn tdo, smyg suboh then dgr takbir raye.... pstu dgr lgu2 sedih rye.. hahaha... pastu ak kol parents ak g,, ak nk borak ngn mak ak, tp die xbyk ckp,, die sedih kot.... lps mnd sume, ak pakai bju rye baru... hahaha~~ suke... hahah... pagi rye ni, ak rse gelabah gler cuz xtaw nk smyg ktne... however, dgn kuase Allah, kwn2 ak ajak g rumah abg ni, Malaysian la kn... pg2, trus die ajak smyg rye,,, sonok siot~~ hahaha... pg la smyg kt darwin, wlpn ala kadar je, tp ok la... but b4 ak g smyg rye, ak kol KLASIK NASIONAL n bg ucapan kt family ak d kpg.. tp malangnyer,,, dorg xdgr ak nye ucapan,.. huhu sedih...~~ tp xpe,, ak ok je... after huhahuha kt umah ISMATUL~~ (masak puding roti,,) ak b'angkt ke rumah abg ni td,, nme die ANUAR.. abg anuar ni baek.... die n family die masak byk gler nk bg ktaorg mkn,.. hahaha.... ktaorg mkn mee bandung, rendang, nasi impit, kuah kacang, dll... best gler.. yg penting SODAP~~~~

tu la hari raya celebration pertama kt UK,, after this n g umah Lecturer plak...
p/s~ gmbr byk, tp xleh nk upload,, nnt upload k... tunggu~~~

Jom Masak-masak~~~... ^-^


hidup kt negara org ni mmg ade sonok n x sonok nye,, yg sonoknye, kte dpt jmpe org bru, dpt knl2, yg xbestnye, jaoh dr family n xleh nk rse mknn2 yg biase kte mkn dh,, so utk kali ni, ak nk la jgk promote yg ak skg dh pndai msk la cket2 sejak ak dok sorg2 kt parham court 2 nih,, d'sbbkn xde org, ak leh wat ape je yg ak nk,, hahaha esp masak.. 2 hari lps, ak masak maggi tomyam, waktu tu mmg ak rse mende tu x jd,, xtau nape,, salah leta kot.. haha, ak buang je,, ak ni senang, kalo x sodap, alamat tong smpah le hala tuju mknn tu,, hahaha.. oooppsss... tp semalam, ak cube msk dgg masak hitam,.. punye la ak kol amk ak nk tnye mcm mne msk mende tuh,, huhu,,, habis credit wooo!! (tp xpe, ak nk tuka ke line LEBARA psni..). back to the story, ak pon mulekn misi ak slps je ak mnD, ak rndm dgg tu ngn kicap, msukkan ape yg ptot n ak biar selama beberapa jam,, huhu,, best gak r,,, smbl2 tu ak bsuh la bju... lps blik drp tour Canterbury, ak trus msk dgg tu, fuh, bau nye, sodap gler,.. then mule la ak b'angan jd mcm chef wan, siap terangkn lg nih ape bhn yg plu, mcm ade camera plak,, hahahah... last2 mknn tu siap jugak akhirnya,,, hahahaha.. ni la gmbr nyer....

**daging masak kicap by zul izzat (canterbury)



hi ya'll,, skali lg i dgn bangga dirinye melaporkan kehidupan harian i kt Canterbury nih.. huhu..
k, hot topic for today is,, international student's night which berlaku last night..

mulenye my friends and i, (IVON, SEM N LIP V) smpai dulu,, nk kteorg tgk la bdk2 yg kmpol kt depan students' union,, wah, it seems interesting at that moment.. then ktaorg g la tggu bdk2 len, slps tibanya RAY, CARL, AROY n PIDOT, ktaorg pon msok,, mulenye cuak la kan cuz ade security guard,, takot ak ni x lps, yela kan kecik bak sang kancil,, spe2 leh larang ak drp masok party ni.. btw, this is my first time attending a party.. it was boring when i first came in, because other students r like grouping and talking among each other, which i assumed from the same country, so, ktaorg dudok2 la dulu kn, hlgkn rse penatz,,,

owh, at that moment, party dh stat,, rse mcm nk pecah gegendang tinge n gugur jantung ak,, kuat gler music die,, then, we stat our pencarian mangsa, as usual, lip V n i,, we were 2gether,, suddenly i saw japanese group talking to each other kt ceruk2 yg ak leh nmpk,, then i ajak la lipV tuk tgor dorg, but, he didn't want n i'm frustratd.. huhu.. last2, aroy yg dpt,, but, ape yg mengherankan,, they seemed familiar to me,, rsenye dlm mimpi i 4 years ago,, huhu,, i don't noe.. mayB it's them, maybe not,, huhu,,

after i dok perati org, i pon jd boring, drpd stu ceruk yg org xnmpk i, i g tmpt yg jd spotlight manusia mlm tuh.. huhu,, then i met this girl, REBECCA,she's my senior, taking teaching in third year already,, she's a fresher' crew.. we talked a lot last night n it was fun,, lps tu, die pon jmput la ktaorg ni men LIMBO,, best gler ak rse, cuz dorg sume besa, ak kecik, ak leh je msok yg dorg nye paras ngn mudah, haha, smpai la paras yg plg bwh, i x dpt dh (ala sje je,, kang x pasal2 pinggng ak t'pele'ot..) fuh, mmg best gler, trus ak d knali sbb plg kecik men mende tu,, hahahaa,, mamat sorg ni kte " I LIKE THIS GUY," "OWH, LIMBO GUY"... hahha, but i like to meet the other limbos,, hebat gler dorg tu meliuk lentokkn bdn,, dh la besar...

the hottest part,.. while playing LIMBO, i met some people which i think is hot n i really want to talk to them,, dorg ni mcm ade kwn n xde, but dorg rapt ngn freshers' crew,, tu yg ak tkot nk tgor, kg dorg tu senior, mati ak,, hahah..i hope i can meet them again next time.. huhu.....

** last night was my first party ever n i met somebody on the limbo floor,, not the dance floor.. hahha

Hari2 ak b4 an after kt uk..


huhu, this is my first time writing officially in my blog.. hahha.. cm lawak je bwat mende nih, dulu2 xnk wat... k, untuk ari ni, ak nk crite ttg perasaan ak sblm dan slps smpai canterbury..

before ak g.. ak stay kt kampung,, mcm2 ak wat,, tp ade la certain activities ak x smpat nk lakuka.. sedih gak r.. huhu.. tp plg pntg ak spend my time to the fullest with my family.. best gler, n then ak smpt m'rapatkn tali silaturrahim ngn dua org bdk kt kpg ak,, hihi,, boley la, wwlpn kdg2 ak rse cm nk henyek je 2 org nih.. a week b4 nk fly, parents ak wat kenduri doa selamat untuk ak,, ak rse t'haru sgt.. huhu ak sedih b'cmpor gembire.. yg plg lawak kn, after tht kenduri, ade lg org yg konpius spe yg nk fly ke uk, adek2 ak kah, abg ak kah or ak.. yg plg memeranjatkn, ade org tu pggl ak ngn nme abg ak n adek llki ak.. x ke sedih ak rse.. ak yg nk fly, org len plak d sebut2.. huhu.. after tht, my parents n i went to kl 3 dyas b4 i'm off to uk,, very the x best.. ak mmg xske kalo berangkat dr kl.. ntala, sjak first day ak smpai kl ak dh rse x berapa b'kenan ngn tmpt tu,, sorri ek org kl,, ak bkn x ske korg,, just ak x ske the suasana there... rimas, xske.. mayB bcoz of the bad memories i ade mse dok kt kl nih...

smpai hari nk fly, ak rse berat hati nk tgglkn parents ak,, ak x nanges tp ak rse sedih sgt sbb now ak lg jauh drp dorg, dlu kt kl je, benci2 dok kl, ak balik.. tp skg nih jaoh do... n stu lg,, wktu nk fly tu, sorg pun kwn2 ak xde xcept junior kohot 2, kohot3 and my best buddy FAKRUL.. yg len xnmpk pon btg hidung, tu yg ak frust, ak harap sgt dorg dpt dtg.. tp habuk pon tarak.. (merajuk T_T).. wktu fly tu, ak x mengalir setitik pon air mate.. i don't know why.. just rse sebak.. dlm flight plak, layanan MAS mmg tip top.. best gler,, 6 star r.. tp yg m'buzatkn ak, ade org tibe2 mati dlm flight.. dgr cite die ni british, kerja kt tokyo, balik london sbb nk bentang smtg.. sian kt die.. tp wktu tu ak ade gk b'doa.. "ya Allah, kalo die d'tkdrkn hidup, slmtlh die, kalo tidak, biarlh die pergi ngn cepat".. cmtu la bunyik nye.. after 1/2 hour ak doa tu, ts mat salleh tu pergi.. maybe hantu die msh dlm flight tu kot.. t'tggl.. tp seb bek r cuz die mati otw blk kpg.. ok r tu.. dpt gk family die dtg amk n tgk mayat die... kn kn kn???

Sampai d caterbury,
ktaorg smpai jam 5 lebih pg.. sejuk o... ktaorg d jmput oleh john kullman, lecturer ktaorg kt cni n also sweet n beautiful yoanna.. huhu... ske r gk mke die... after ktaorg huha2 dlm coach, ktorg pon smpai n x semena2 nya, hujan pun turun ala2 menyambut kedtngn diva yg huduh.. tp i x, kne ckit je hujan tu... haha.. beg ak habis lencun basah.. pastu d bg kunci, ak dptla umah ak.. which is at PARHAM COURT 2, ROOM 2.. (sesape nk dtg tu, sgt2 dialukan.). time tu, ngn hepinye ak unpack sume brg n suddenly ak rse sebak d dada sb family ak dh jaoh... huhu.. untuk memperingati MALAYSIA tanah air dan SARAWAK bumi tercinta, ak xnk tuka time dlm phone ak,, biar die tunjuk waktu MALAYSIA.. sng ak nk kontek family ak... huhu... skg nih dh beberae hari dok kt cni, satu manusia pon xde kt umah ak xcept la ak yg vogue nih... huhu.. mayB smpai stu ni kot bdk2 tuh... duit ak pon dh abs sbb bli byk gler mknn, mcm stok 3 thaun nih.. gler babeng.. hahah.... sepanjang kt cni pon ktaorg g jenjalan, amk2 gmbr, canterbury nih, x la besar mne pon,, kecik je,, stat jln dr hostel, 15 mins dh smpai kolej, 10 mins walk dh smpai city centre.. huhu... skg ni, trget ak nk bli bju adalh topman,, tmpt tu je ade saiz ak yg cikunit nih.. huhu.. n 1 more thing, the weather in canterbry now is so damn cold,, i ca't stand this kind of weather... wei!!! microsoft office ak hilang!!! argghhh!!!! tidak!!! cmne nih!!!???

-the end-


Magical source.. mystic force!!


kepala ku pusing!!!!!!! ak xtau nk bwat ape dah.!!!!! rse mcm nk hempok2 je kepala ak yang dh tensen tahap gila babi ni kt dinding bilek!!!!!! tnesen nye!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dahla hal ni tak settle g, pastu ade masalah len plan..... BENCI TOL AKU.....!!!! ak rse macam nk cekik orang sampai mati je skang nih... kalo ak dapat sape2 je, memang ak cekik sampai mati dh... tp ak geram r kt suma orng skg... ak benci benci benci benci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA, KALO BOLE JERIT SKG, MEMEANG AK JERIT SAMPAI AK MATI... AK MEMANG RASA NK MATI DH SKANG.. KALO AK MATI, AK MEMANG TAK MENYESAL LA... TUHAN MEMANG PATUTU TARIK NYAWA AK DULU B'BANDING ABG AK... ak rse macam hidup ni x bermakna bagi ak.. apatah lagi dalam situasi skang... ak memeang fed up!!!! nk bwat ni, bwat tu, orsang dengan perangai masingmasgin..... tengok, cre ak tulis pun dh tak betol dh.!!!!!!!!!!! sdfjshsjkdvhsjkdvh JSfgbjdrbg